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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are Vending Machines Suitable For Being Installed In Schools?

There is a lot of controversy about installation of vending machines in schools. Increasing rate of obesity especially among children is the main reason for this. Drastic change in food habits and lifestyles has drawn children towards junk food. With both parents being employees there is hardly anyone to warn them against the hazards of consuming junk food.

Schools have always remained the first priority for installing vending machines among operators. However, with growing consciousness among parents and management, things have changed slightly. Majority schools are undergoing healthy vending changes due to increased recommendations from nutritionists, parents as well as state legislatures. Candy, chocolates, snacks, ice-cream, burgers, pizzas are being replaced by fruit juices, low fat snacks, milk and other natural products.

If you are a vending operator, you need to keep yourself updated with these changes in eating habits of customers on a regular basis. This would help you in vending products that would satisfy the requirements of your customers and thus become successful in your business.

Installing vending machines in schools still remains to be a good choice, provided operator makes some changes in the kind of products he is dispensing. Some of them are stated below:

• Eating healthy food: Vending operators should make required changes to promote healthy eating.

• Low carbohydrate food: Since customers are counting on the intake of carbohydrates, operators need to offer low carbohydrate and high protein products.

• Healthy food:
Schools and parents are encouraging healthy food for children and are replacing junk food with healthy products. Operators should make use of this opportunity.

• Change in lifestyles:
More and more individuals are seeking to make changes in their eating habits to lead healthier life styles. Customers are looking for products that can control their cholesterol and body fats.

These are sure shorts ways of making your business a big success. For more information Planet Antares staff can be of great help. Planet Antares has been leading the industry for over two decades and understand the business like no one else.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Merits and Demerits of Vending Business

Vending industry has been sky rocketing since its inception. This industry has always been in the lime light for giving huge employment opportunities to several new and upcoming entrepreneurs. Before you jump to conclusion and take up this business, let us learn more about it. There are several benefits associated with this business. Few of them are mentioned below:

• Absolutely Zero employees: Vending does not require you to employ any sales personnel. Your machine is your salesman and takes care of everything.

• Complete cash business: In other businesses there is every possibility of running into bad debts. But since vending is a complete cash business, you can generate revenue right from day one of installation of the machine. Since all transactions take place through cash there will not be any issues with credit card acceptances etc.

• Start up cost: This business does not require huge floor space and your major investment goes into purchasing the machine. Hence start up cost is less when compared to other businesses.

However, as every coin has two sides, so does vending business. The demerits or disadvantages of this business are mentioned below:

• Repairs and breakdowns: In case you purchase a used or refurbished machine, they are more prone to repairs and frequent break downs. It is advisable that the operator knows how to fix minor problems. This will prevent inoperative machines for a long time and thus prevent you from losing customers.

• Location: Identifying the appropriate location may not always be possible. More over areas with high customer traffic have huge competition. This can have negative impact on your sales and profitability.

Hence it is very important that operators keep these aspects in mind and carefully plan their moves to make vending a big success. Contact Planet Antares staff for complete guidance on starting your own vending business.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vending Location Strategies

Location is one of the few factors that influence the success of a vending business. After you have decided on the kind of machine you would be purchasing, your next step would be to identify the most suitable location for your vending machine. Unlike previous days, vending machines these days are offering a wide range of products. Due to increasing opportunities, operators are targeting several new and untapped locations.

How to identify prospective locations? There are several means of identifying new location. The choice of these would however depend on your financial limitations. In case there is constraint of funds, you could probably adopt some basic strategy like cold calling. Although, this is not a great way to begin your business with, it still works. In order to get started, you need to have a business card or flyer with some basic information about the kind of services offered by you and your contact number.

Flyers are really helpful. They spread across the message quickly and help you in getting contacted by people so that we can place our machines in their locations. This method also helps you gather huge information about various operators in that particular locality, kind of machines used by them, their pricing, services rendered by them and similar information which is vital for your business. You should go on repeating this process until you find few locations.

In case you are willing to spend some money, you can go for advertising. You would definitely expect good return on your investment and a good return would obviously mean good leads and prospective locations. So be careful while choosing. It has been proved that all locations are not the same. For instance a vending machine with candy balls placed in a school and one that is place near a health club may not generate the same sales. A little effort needs to be put in identifying locations as there is no scarcity of locations.

In case you are unable to locate suitable locations all by yourself, you can take the help of a vending locator and Planet Antares staff. The success of your business no doubt depends on how well you choosing a location.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Planet Antares Glass Front Vending Machines-Most Preferred Choice among Operators

Every entrepreneur takes up business with an aim to make huge profits. Vending is perhaps the only business that allows you to enjoy returns right from the day of installing the machine. The increasing demand for vending business is due to the convenience it offers to customers. Moreover latest technology and features makes this a very easy business to handle.

As more and more customers are switching towards vending machines, wide varieties of vending machines are being introduced in the market. It is also surprising to know that traditional vending machines have undergone tremendous changes before reaching its present form. Planet Antares Glass front is one famous model among them. Let us look at few benefits of these machines.

• Increased sales: In a front glass vending machine, customer can see the product which he is going to purchase. Hence it is believed increase sales and draws the attention of passers by.

• Attractive features: These machines come with illuminated motor and pull forward trays that increase the ease of dispensing. They also come with several eye catching features that give complete customer satisfaction.

• Shelf space: A glass front vending machine comes with small shelf space that can accommodate more products when compared to drop shelf unit.

• Customer interaction: Customer involvement is more in a glass front machine when compared to an enclosed one.

• Unnecessary wastage: Planet Antares glass front vending machines come with electronic tracking which is used to track movement of products. This helps in tracking fast moving products and also prevents wastage.

• Wide choice: In a glass front vending machine, customer has more items to choose from.

• Branded products: Planet Antares glass Front vending machines are best suitable for selling branded products.

All these benefits make glass front vending machines most preferred choice among vending operators.

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Monday, January 04, 2010

Top Five Reasons for Preferring Vending

Are you tired of working in your regular job? Looking for some additional source of income to support your family during this recession? Considering starting your own business? Then vending is perfect for you. You can take up this business either on a full time or part time basis. In either case, you are sure to get guaranteed revenue. Once you are confident of running this business, you can look at expanding this business by adding new machines.

Achieving success in your line of operation is dream of every businessman. In this process you quite often come across several hurdles in the form of investment, rate of return, time constraints etc. If this is what is stopping you from reaching your goal, then we can solve your problem. Unlike other businesses, vending is least demanding and allows you to fulfil your dreams with minimum efforts and hard work.

Why vending out of all business opportunities? This can be answered by looking at the benefits of this business.

• Initial cost of set up: When compared to other business opportunities, the capital required to start this business is very low.

• Cash flow: This is one of the very few businesses that allow you to reap returns right from the time you install your machine and fill it with sufficient amount of stock. There are very few other business opportunities that are all cash. Since vending is a hundred percent cash business, you need not worry about bad debts or other collection issues.

• Uninterrupted services: There are no set working hours in vending business. Your machines would be every ready to cater to the needs of its customers round the clock all 365 days.

• Tax exemption: Tax exemption is applicable to vending business also. If you fall in the 20%-30% tax bracket, then you have great chances of increasing your profits.

• Financial freedom: Vending business has allowed several operators to enjoy complete financial freedom and allows you to have complete control over your money and future.

After going through these benefits, are you still considering other business opportunities?

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