Tips For Effective Stocking Of Planet Antares Vending Machines
When you start a vending business, you will get many kinds of suggestions regarding the various aspects of this business. While some people may emphasize the quality of vending equipment, others may tell you to focus on location.
In reality, both factors are equally important. However, what needs to be understood and carefully analyzed is the product to be sold through your vending machines. Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of treating this as a secondary decision to be taken after purchase of vending machines and deciding about the potential locations.
Your Planet Antares vending machines are usually stocked with soda and snacks items. Customers will not return to your vending machines if the products are not fresh or of satisfactory quality. Most vending machines offer soft drinks and snacks including fried items as well as low calorie, healthier options. Make sure that at least one product is a healthy item offered along with the traditional products. This allows different customer requirements to be satisfied from a single machine.
Just offering a drink will not be enough to provide thirst solutions for customers. If they don’t like the kind of drinks being offered, they may walk away without making any purchases. What you offer through your vending machines depends on the location and target customers. For example, soda vending machines are suitable for school and college campus while water, tea and coffee vending machines are best suited for offices with large number of employees.
Snack vending machines allow you to sell a large variety of products. You must buy a vending machine after checking the capacity to hold a collection of snacks, both traditional and new. While some customers require healthy food items, others look for sweet or fried snacks.
Again, the location of your vending machines will have an impact on the kind of products offered to customers. You must stock such items that appeal to the taste and preference of target audience. For example, healthy foods will not sell well in schools. It will be better in hotels and airports or business offices.
One of the most popular vending machine products are the candy bars that appeal to customers of all age groups, tastes and locations. To begin with, it will be a good idea to setup a bulk vending machine business. Make sure that you provide adequate variety to attract maximum number of customers.
A successful vending business is one that offers the right products to meet the customer needs. The more your product sales, higher will be the revenue generated for your business. Keep monitoring the sales pattern of different products being stocked to replace the slow moving ones.